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     Mr. Brill's Expectations


To have a successful music program at Eagle Valley Middle School, it is important that a list of guidelines is met to achieve our goals. The guidelines are mandatory for all students to follow. It is important to me that you have an opportunity to learn and that I can teach. This list was created to let everyone know exactly what is expected for a balance between the students learning and the ability for me to teach to have been established as well as the consequences that will occur if a specific guideline is not met.


#1. Preparation:

To participate, the following materials must be brought to class.

A.) Instrument (This includes the materials that make your instrument function).

B.) Book.

C.) Music.

D.) Pencil.

E.) Be on time with your instrument assembled and ready to play.


#2. Respect:

Respect for the musical instruments, equipment, fellow students and your teachers.

A.) Raise your hand before speaking (please don’t interrupt).

B.) Talking or playing out of turn is a disruption to the class and will not be tolerated.

C.) Respect your instrument by not allowing others to play or experiment with it.

D.) Care for your instrument and music that is provided.

E.) Instruments will be stored in a safe place before and after class.


#3. 100% Effort:

Work Hard and do your Best!

A.) Take your instrument home and practice your music.

B.) Have a commitment to make the group sound at its best.

C.) Play with a good tone and sit with a proper posture.

D.) Don’t waste our time by being disruptive.

E.) The most important thing is to have fun and enjoyable time.

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